‘Loop Head Together for Nature’ - Two Projects Underway
Community Water Development Fund 2021
Loop Head Together for Nature are happy to announce that we have been granted a total of €8000 for 2 projects on the peninsula.
€3000 will go towards the planning works for a nature observation point including a bird hide at the shore road in Querrin. This area is renowned nationally and internationally among birdwatchers especially for wintering birds, first and foremost the Brent goose.
The project is being led by Robert Brown and Kevin Heapes of the Querrin Pier & Village Community Development Group and will eventually be part of a peninsula wide network of nature observation points. We will keep you updated on the progress of this project. All interested parties are welcome to join. Please contact Robbie or Kevin or join the conversation in the LT4Nature WhatsApp Group.
€5000 will fund the purchase of survey equipment for the Loop Head Nature & Wildlife Monitoring Program as well as graphic design fees for a Loop Head Nature Map and costs for hosting the Wild Loop Head website (www.wildloophead.com).
The equipment will include - among other items - field cameras, a moth trap and water testing kits as well as pond/rockpool dipping kits and wildlife identification charts for the local primary schools.
Carsten Krieger and members of the LT for Nature group have already started the initial survey on key sites around the peninsula (Loop Head heath & bird colonies, Ross Bay & Ross Cove, Rinevella and Querrin) and we will add further locations (e.g. Kilkee Bay area and Poulnasherry Bay) at a later date.
After we will have received the equipment, we will host an introductory meeting to nature & wildlife monitoring for anybody interested. All with an interest in nature are very welcome. Please contact Carsten or join the conversation in the LT4Nature WhatsApp Group. A big thank you to the Carrigaholt Development Association for hosting this project
And for both projects, a very big thank you to our Community Water Officer with the Local Authority Waters Programme, Ruairi O’Conchuir, who gave great support in helping us fine-tune the project proposals.
PS: If you would like to join the conversation in the Loop Head Together for Nature Bio-Diversity Group, you can join their WhatsApp group on this weblink- >>> LT Biodiversity_Land&Sea: LT for Nature WhatsApp