Here are some of the projects that are being either undertaken by, supported by or in partnership with the Loop Head Together CLG -
Also if you or your group have an idea for a project that you might like to explore further, why not get in touch - either for assistance or support.
You can fill out a project expression of interest form by clicking here PROJECT FORM
Loop Head is one of only three participating Irish Communities in this EU Living Labs Project - Read about it HERE
Loop Head has been catapulted onto the European stage by being one of only three Irish communities selected to participate in the European Living Labs project Soilcrates. Participating farmers will be assisting the team in exploring sustainable soil management practices that solve local issues, benefiting the farmer as well as the Environment
If you would like to get involved or just learn more about this project please contact us on
LHT CLG chosen by TUS to lead Circoval Project
Loop Head Together CLG have been chosen by TUS to lead out the Circoval project - one which hopes to revolutionise the agri food processing industry by exploring circular food processes - adding value and promoting sustainability in the sector
If you would like to get involved or just to know more about this project email us on
If you would like to get involved or just learn more about this project, do send an email to
Loop Head - Clare County Council’s
Pilot ‘Decarbonizing Zone’
Loop Head has been nominated as the Pilot Decarbonising Zone for County Clare - by Clare County Council. Loop Head Together, along with the wider community, have gathered information and taken part in a survey to identify their main concerns in terms of climate action on the Peninsula. Loop Head are named stakeholders on the wider Clare County Council Climate Action Plan
If you would like to get involved or just learn more about this project please contact us on
Loop Head Housing Survey Gets Underway
Loop Head Together will soon be involved in the rolling out of a housing survey, to help clarify the true housing status on the peninsula, as well as to identify the specific housing needs and what our community deem as affordable
If you would like to get involved or just to know more about this project email us on
The Biodiversity Way Project
The Biodiversity way is a planned walkway for locals and visitors alike to truly learn and appreciate the extraordinary and unique biodiversity offerings on our peninsula
If you would like to get involved or just learn more about this project, do send an email to
Loop Head Together to facilitate Governance Training / Workshop
Loop Head Together were recently award a grant through the Moneypoint Community Fund to facilitate a knowledge hub on the peninsula around governance and regulations - this is an opportunity to organise a workshop and training event with all partner organisations on the peninsula - big and small - where an expert will talk us through the importance of good governance and how to ensure we get it right in our organisations and committees.
We hope to have further information on this in the new year. If you would like to get involved or just learn more about this project please contact us on
Loop Head Together CLG can offer support to your project
The Loop Head Together CLG are also supporting and helping other group projects where possible and where they align with the groups guiding principals of sustainable local development.
The group also can offer mentorship through their panel of professionals if it is required by anyone on the peninsula.
If you would like to get involved or just to know more about this project email us on
Employment and Local Industry
We intend to assess the skills, talent and infrastructure around industry and employment on the Peninsula.
If you would like to get involved or just learn more about this project, do send an email to