
‘A place where everyone can thrive’

The Loop Head Peninsula is a wonderful place to live and work; the greatest assets being its people, nature & communities.  

What is Loop Head Together? 

‘Loop Head Together CLG’ is a grass roots initiative, supported by almost fifty local groups and organisations across the Loop Head Peninsula, West Clare. Following two long years of community engagement, the main findings that arose were as follows:

A - That concerns around population decline were accurate and widespread. B - The realisation that people DO want to live here as full time residents - but are facing serious road blocks such as long term housing options and employment.

Loop Head Together CLG was formed to help address these socio economic challenges, in a bid to ensure a viable and vibrant future for everyone across the Loop Head Peninsula.


NEWS: Loop Head - wins National Climate Ambassador Award

Local resident and Clare Climate Ambassador Sharmila (Ila) Bano, has led several local schools on the Loop Head Peninsula through the ‘Awareness to Action’ climate education and activation programme. It was a spotlight on the young voice and ideas, fostering cross collaboration with nationwide partnerships, and preparing them as future custodians. Read more.


NEWS: ‘Loop Head Shines in Europe’

The Loop Head Peninsula is catapulted onto the European Stage, due to being one of only three Irish communities selected to take part in the EU Horizon ‘Soilcrates’ project - which aims to further explore sustainable soil management practices that benefit the farmer and their land, as well as the environment. READ MORE


NEWS: Governance Training Workshop to take place on Loop Head - 8th April

‘Calling all community groups, local development organisations, social enterprises and or charities - Loop Head Together CLG is facilitating a governance workshop with John McShane on Monday the 8th April - Free to Attend. Learn More about it HERE


NEWS: Loop Head wins National Pride of Place Awards 

‘Loop Head Peninsula’ took home, not one, but TWO National IPB Pride of Place awards. Read more about the awards night in Dublin and what the wins are all about HERE


NEWS: Hemp4Soil wins Climate Action Award for Loop Head

The Hemp4Soil project team proudly won the National Climate Action Award on behalf of the Loop Head Peninsula at the recent IPB Pride of Place awards in Dublin

Read more about this HERE

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