The Loop Head Energy Project - An update
You’ve probably heard about the Loop Head Energy Project being carried out over the past few years. So, what is it all about?
Well, basically it is a deep dive into energy usage on Loop Head, with a view to completely understanding our energy needs as a peninsula and to consider exactly what steps we can take as a community, individually and together, to improve our energy situation. Here is a brief explanation of what’s been going on so far – but a full breakdown of the all the lessons learned (and what we do next) will follow in the coming days.
So who is it?
Well, the Loop Head Energy Project is a community led project which is a partnership between the International Class of Flensburg University, Loop Head Together, the Loop Head Energy Action Partnership, the Farming Community, local residents and businesses and the Aston Eco Management group.
What has happened?
In 2020 – the Flensburg team analysed renewable energy availability on the peninsula and also assessed the energy demand in homes, farms, businesses and public transport on Loop Head. The research revealed that Loop Head residents pay approximately 7.3 million euros annually to import energy for local use.
In 2021 the Flensburg team furthered their work by investigating energy efficiency measures in the farming and residential sectors. Implementing retrofitting measures were among the key recommendations of the study – (retrofitting would reduce heat demand on the peninsula) Air to air heat pumps were indicated to have potential cost savings.
In 2022 – the Flensburg team conducted energy assessments of three sample households – solar and heat pump systems and analysed the environmental and socio-economic effects of the proposed solutions.
A 1.28kw solar PV system was installed in Keanes Bear Garden demonstrating a single plug in solar PV solution. This installation was donated to the project – in Keanes Beer Garden in the centre of Carrigaholt – by Ken and Andrew O Connell of F4 Energy Ltd as part of the sustainable energy project. Big thanks to F4 Energy Ltd for this demonstration and for their help in this part of the project.
The events as part of the Loop Head Energy Project on this current 2022 visit have been:
1: A Deep Dive into Solar Energy on the Loop – completed
2: A presentation of the findings on sustainable energy solutions in the home – completed
3: A Solar PV Installation Day – completed u
4: Loop Head’s Road Map towards Energy Efficiency - taking place Thur the 24th of Feb Halla Eoin Kilbaha at 7pm
PS if you are interested in becoming a member of the Loop Head Energy Action Partnership (or LEAP) then you can simply join their whatsapp group by following this link on your phone: LEAP WhatsApp